Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Bipolar & Severe Irritability Research Studies

NIH Bipolar & Severe Irritability Research Studies: Enrolling Participants Nationwide

Do You Have A Child with Bipolar Disorder or Severe Irritability?

At the NIH Clinical Center in Bethesda, Maryland, several research studies are being conducted into the causes of bipolar disorder and severe mood dysregulation (SMD). These studies seek children and adolescent participants who have bipolar disorder or severe irritability.

All evaluations, research procedures, inpatient (day or full hospitalization) and outpatient visits are free of cost. Both parent and child must agree to the child’s participation. Schooling is provided during inpatient care. Children and parents are compensated for participation. Travel and lodging expenses are paid by NIMH.

Bipolar Disorder

Those eligible to participate must be ages 6-17, have bipolar disorder and be able to perform research tasks including neuroimaging, computer tasks, and neuropsychological tasks.

This is an outpatient descriptive study using brain imaging and clinical assessment. Study participation begins with an initial outpatient evaluation that lasts one day. Subsequently, testing and brain imaging occur at visits which last two-three days, occur every year, and continue until age 25. Phone contact occurs every six months in between visits.


Severe Irritability

Those eligible to participate must be: ages 7-17; displaying symptoms of chronic anger, sadness, or irritability, as well as hyperarousal (such as insomnia, distractibility, hyperactivity) and extreme responses to frustration (such as frequent, severe temper tantrums); able to perform research tasks that include neuroimaging, computer tasks and neuropsychological testing. Participants must currently be in treatment with a physician, medically healthy, and not currently hospitalized, psychotic, or suicidal.

Non-Treatment Study

This is an outpatient descriptive study using brain imaging and clinical assessment. Study participation begins with an initial outpatient evaluation that lasts one day. Subsequently, testing and brain imaging occur at visits which last two-three days, occur every two years, and continue until age 25. Phone contact occurs every six months in between visits.


Treatment Study

If unstable on current medications participant receives day or full hospitalization to discontinue medication and participate in a 12- to 15-week study of the efficacy of methylphenidate plus citalopram, vs methylphenidate plus placebo, for decreasing irritability in children with severe mood and behavioral problems. (If clinically appropriate, participants who received methylphenidate plus placebo will be offered the opportunity to receive methylphenidate plus citalopram at the end of the study.)


To find out about study criteria and qualifications, or for more information, please call (301 496-8381) or email us at bipolarkids@mail.nih.gov.