Tuesday, August 28, 2012

NAMI Community Partner Walk Events!

AFSP: Out of the Darkness walk. Click HERE to register and for more information.

USARA: Utah Recovery Day events across the state. Click HERE for more information.

Utah County HOPE Task Force's 8th Annual Suicide Prevention Walk. For more information contact: Amanda Shields 801-616-9137 or Cathy Bledsoe 801-374-4802

Friday, August 10, 2012

Week in Review: August 6-10

Here is this week's "Week in Review." These are articles, information and updates too good not to share, (and too good not to share multiple times!) Click on the links to learn more. Have you found something worth sharing?! Let us know. E-mail maryb@namiut.org with any stories, articles or information about mental health that you think is worth sharing.

Michael Angelakos, lead singer of Passion Pit: Photo credit: Rolling Stone

Passion Pit Lead Singer on Battling Mental Illness from Rolling Stone Magazine

Finding Your Own Way: Learning to Live with Bipolar Disorder

Navy Video Contest on Suicide Prevention

Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. Being Treated for Depression

Affordable Care Act Has Benefits for People With Psychiatric Illness

Correlation Between Mental Illness and Obesity

New Content on ECT

The Proposed DSM-5 Alterations and Altercations

Letter from a Grateful Parent

Friday, August 3, 2012

Week in Review- July 30-August 3

This week I have found a number of articles that I wanted to share. Re-Tweeting them or posting them all to Facebook didn't seem to be sufficient (as there were tons I wanted to share!) So it's Friday and I thought I would institute a new section on our blog.

Every Friday we will share articles, stories and interesting news that didn't make it on to our Facebook or Twitter (or did and were too important or cool not to share multiple times!)

So here is your Week in Review: 

The Science Behind Yoga

Out of the Darkness Walk: September 15th at Sugarhouse Park

Rep. Jackson Reveals Treatment for Depression

The Interplay of Stigma, Culture and Disease

NAMI Utah Open House: Video of Speeches: Listen to our amazing speakers from the Open House share their courageous stories!

Do you have articles, links, resources, or topics you'd like to see covered? Send us a note in the comment section or e-mail Mary: maryb@namiut.org