Today [June 7, 2012] I visited NAMI's Social
Group, which used to be called Soup Group, until we quit serving soup and
started serving sandwiches, but Sandwich Group didn’t have quite the same ring
to it. We recently had to move our office and with the change we decided to
hold the group elsewhere while we transition. Jackie, T.J. and Rick have been
running Social Group at the North Valley Mental Health facility since our move.
Since then, I have had limited interaction with those individuals who benefit
from the services NAMI provides. I have been so busy in my own world, the move,
our recent Open House, other daily tasks, not to mention everything outside of
work! So I have been looking forward to attending Social Group and talking with
some of the folks who attend.
Recently the number of
participants in social group has grown. Between 30 and 40 people have been
coming consistently for a few months now. I want to share with you some of the
great things I saw from our participants.
*I have changed the names
of some of the individuals I spoke with for confidentiality purposes.
I let John finish his
sandwich while I set up the game, and his large bites indicated this might have
been his first meal of the day. Jackie told me on the way over that many
participants were part of the mental health court system. Social Group is one
of the only places they can go for a meal, a welcoming smile, and interactions
with people who “get it.” People who have been through similar situations and
know what it feels like to go through the “system.”

John came back and we got
back in the game. John seemed to be experiencing fixed delusions as his
conversation got a little hard to follow. When I asked Jackie later what his
diagnosis was she said she didn’t know. She told me that she never asks what someone’s
diagnosis is because it doesn’t affect her interaction or relationship with
them. “I see them first as people; I don’t see them as their illness,” she explains
to me, “They are welcomed in as people just as I would welcome anyone into any
social circle of mine.” I couldn’t agree more.
Most of the time we were
playing, the gentleman to my right was strumming his mandolin. It was the
perfect background noise, and his tunes were amazing. He told me that he had
only been playing for a couple of years; he had taken lessons previously but
for the most part he was teaching himself. Although he was a little slow in his
conversation, he was extremely intelligent, explaining some of the notes for me
as I watched in awe.
I can’t stress the
importance of this group enough. On average 20 individuals who attend social
group are in the mental health court system. The mental health court system is
designed to help prevent them from re-offending. Fostering healthy relationships is an
important part of preventing relapses.
The Social Group provides an opportunity for everyone to interact in an
environment that’s safe and welcoming.
I had an amazing
experience at Social Group. I want the community and our supporters to know
about this program and to give them a renewed desire to advocate on behalf of
those living with a mental illness, because as Jackie said, we're all people,
first and foremost.
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