Wednesday, February 17, 2016

HB 18 Narrowly passes the Committee, heads to the House floor

A message from our Executive Director 

HB 18 Medicaid Preferred Drug List Amendments (PDL) Update: 

On 02/17/2016, Rep. Ward offered a substitute bill which would remove long acting injectables from consideration on the PDL, meaning, there will be open access to those meds while the rest of the mental health meds will be subject to the PDL and Prior-Authorization process.

The bill passed out of Health and Human Services Committee by a hair. Votes were 5 and 5 until Rep. Chavez-Houck ran into committee to tip the scales. Votes ended in favor 6 to 5 with 1 absent.

I assure you, this is not over. There is a long way for this bill to travel. It now goes to the House Floor. I encourage you all to email and call your representative, encouraging them to VOTE NO on HB18. Should the bill make it's way out of the house, it will go to the Senate Health and Human Services Committee before it can move to the Senate Floor.

Thank you all for following this bill and for talking to your representatives! It is so important that you stay involved and continue to education our legislators. Find out your legislator here 

You who are living with a mental illness, you are my heroes! You who are fighting for your loved one's wellness, you too are my heroes! We are not weak, we are not victims, we are strong, we are fighters, we fight everyday for our well being and will fight anyone or anything standing in our way.

Jamie Justice 

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